Buddy, the avatar of sick children, at the heart of inclusive school concept
Continuing your education, even while hospitalized and keeping in touch with your class, it is already possible thanks to Buddy, the avatar of sick children.
Buddy, the emotional robot, joined the TED-i program (“Working together remotely and in interaction”), an innovative inclusive tele-education system of 4,000 telepresence robots, made available by the French Ministry of National Education, serving the educational support of students prevented by serious and long-term illnesses.
Funded by the Investments for the Future Program (PIA 2) and managed by the General Secretariat for Investment (SGPI), this program serving an inclusive school was extended to all academies in spring 2021, after awarded a public contract relating to the supply, delivery and maintenance of robotic tele-presence systems.
Mainly intended to support students who are unable to attend their class from kindergarten to middle school, Buddy robots allow students to be “tele-present” remotely.
Thus, no fewer than 1,750 Buddy robots, entirely designed and manufactured in France, have been delivered to academies in metropolitan France and overseas departments.
Each year, nearly 11,000 students injured or suffering from a chronic or long-term illness are educated in hospital and health establishments, according to the Ministry of National Education (2)
The Ministry of National Education therefore gave birth to the TED-i program in 2021 with the aim of promoting the inclusion of children “hospitalized or kept at home”.
This national TED-i program concerns an initial allocation of 4,000 robotic telepresence systems, intended to be allocated to children and young people, from kindergarten to university, who are prevented by illness, hospitalized or kept in chronic care at home.
TED-i aims to mitigate the consequences of the break with the school or training environment of isolated young people, and to facilitate their return to class, both for learning and for the pursuit of real inclusion and socialisation.
Zoom on the telepresence SERVIce with Buddy
Buddy provides an immersive experience for the remote user, transcending physical distance, and making him feel emotionally connected with others.
Its sleek and smooth design, with its softly curved body, its large sparkling eyes and its smile radiating the atmosphere, arouses empathy and the desire to interact.
Equipped with a multitude of sensors, cameras, speakers, microphones, Buddy can move, detect obstacles, or even feel caresses, allowing natural interaction.
Indeed, Buddy’s telepresence feature can instantly place the user anywhere in the world at a remote location, providing physical presence through virtual engagement. This helps connect the user to others, in a unique way, that traditional video conferencing products cannot offer.
At school, like a real classmate, Buddy is not content to be a simple face-to-face device for the sick child. It allows to create a social link through its emotional design, adapted to children to be accepted as a real classmate.
Children are very sensitive to Buddy’s design. They consider it as a real living being, and thus give the impression that the absent student is physically present. Moreover, the sick child is valued by the use of the robot.
The Buddy robot generates empathy from other students. The expected effects are also the development of solidarity and attention.
Buddy becomes the eyes, ears and voice of the distant student to help him continue his education and continue to participate remotely in class activities.
From the hospital room or place of convalescence, Buddy allows the remote student to interact with his class by emitting signs of interactivity (moods, messages, requests to speak, etc.), to move around the classroom or even follow his classmates during recess, in the canteen or on school outings.
Buddy acts as the child’s avatar, controlling it remotely via a tablet, allowing him to interact with classmates and the teacher, using movements and emotions in addition to real-time video communication.
Buddy’s features are diverse. For example, they give the remote student the possibility of:
- raise hand to ask to speak,
- express orally and in writing by entering small texts
- look in all directions by operating the robot’s head
- get closer to the board and take a photo of the course materials
The robot’s touch screen allows the child to interact with Buddy and others, through audio and video feed feedback.
On the robot’s face, the student can either display an emotion of his choice, or film himself in real time, like in a video conference. For example, if the remote student does not wish to show himself to his classmates, he can display a Buddy expression of his choice instead of his face, and thus transcribe his emotional state in real time: if he is happy, tired, angry… thanks to an animated expressive face. The robot’s face transmits Buddy’s expressions and emotions as well as the video feedback from the child remotely.
Connected via Wi-Fi or 4G, Buddy also offers great mobility and autonomy to be used outside the classroom, due to its weight and small size, and thus allows the child to participate in socio-cultural activities.
When we know that socialisation promotes children’s chances of recovery, Buddy therefore appears like a real superhero.
The first feedback highlighted tangible benefits for the students benefiting from the TED-i system and resulted in strong satisfaction from the students, their families and the teaching staff.
Numerous benefits have been demonstrated both on a social and educational level for sick students.
They benefited from Buddy, discover what they think!
Without a doubt, the social usefulness of Buddy no longer needs to be proven, given the numerous rave testimonials from the various stakeholders of the TED-i program, attesting the positive impact of the system on the inclusion of sick children. .
The teachers
The families
The students
Avatar Kids PROJECT
Building on this first success with the Ministry of National Education, Blue Frog Robotics has extended its inclusive telepresence offer to more markets, notably in Switzerland with the “Avatar Kids” project, in collaboration with its partner Avatarion Technology AG and the Fondation Planète Enfants Malades whose mission is to improve the daily lives and well-being of some 8,500 children and adolescents treated or hospitalized each year in the Lausanne pediatric departments of the CHUV.
The Avatar Kids project consists of providing families of children treated or hospitalized at the CHUV with the Buddy robot which will become the avatar of a child within a class in the event of prolonged absences of this sick child.
Thanks to the support of the company Avatarion which distributes Buddy in Switzerland, the robot is made available to the child and his family by the Fondation Planètes Enfants Malades which aims to brighten up the daily lives of children and adolescents hospitalized at the CHUV and the Children’s Hospital.
To date, the Fondation Planètes Enfants Malades has already deployed this project in the cantons of Vaud, Neuchâtel, Fribourg, Jura and Valais.
Buddy also maintains the family link, thanks to the collaboration with the association The Hope of Princesse Manon, in conjunction with the team of the hemato-oncology department of the Toulouse University Hospital.
Buddy is deployed within the family home. Using a tablet available in the hospital room, the young patient can call Buddy to connect to it in order to see and hear what is happening at his home.
He can move Buddy as he wishes and depending on what is happening at his place : in the bedroom of one of his brothers or sisters to play remotely with him or her, in the dining room to take part in discussions during the family meal, in the living room to have a snack at the same time as his siblings. With Buddy, it is also possible to create a photo gallery of moments experienced by the family during which the child is not present. He can therefore watch them whenever he wants.
TED-i Project
(2) Ministère de l’Education nationale : Élèves malades : l’École à l’hôpital ou à domicile
Youtube : Chaîne officielle du ministère de l’Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse
Articles presse
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Avatar Kids Project
Youtube : Canal9 | Kanal9
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The Hope of Princess Manon project
De la chambre stérile à la maison : Buddy, le petit robot intelligent qui maintient le lien familial – Centre hospitalier universitaire (CHU) de Toulouse (chu-toulouse.fr)
Le robot Buddy aide les enfants hospitalisés à garder le lien avec leurs familles | Infirmiers.com
Toulouse : Hospitalisé pour une leucémie, Alexis a pu « être comme à la maison » grâce au petit robot intelligent Buddy (20minutes.fr)
Buddy, le robot qui maintient le lien pour les enfants hospitalisés – Le Parisien
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Le robot Buddy aide des enfants hospitalisés | Mon Quotidien, le seul journal d’actualité pour les enfants de 10-14 ans (playbacpresse.fr)