Today is World Autism Awareness Day 💙

Since day one, BLUE FROG ROBOTICS has affirmed its desire to expand its capacity to respond to the needs of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) with BUDDY The Emotional Robot 🤖, to improve the quality of life of autistic people and fight against their social isolation. 
Our Buddy robot aims to teach children with ASD about emotions and social appropriateness through storytelling, physical interaction, and visual and vocal communication. 

At Blue Frog Robotics, we are convinced that helping the children of today means more opportunities for the adults of tomorrow to live healthier and to be better integrated into our society. Buddy, and its unique interaction capabilities, allows the child to progress while remaining in the real world with his social codes, unlike mobile applications and their virtual world. This also makes it possible to progress in interactions with humans.

Today, it’s the opportunity for us today to thank all our partners, customers, experts, families, care givers that have already adopted and/or currently experiencing Buddy with children with ASD. 

SQYPi : Saint Quentin en Yvelines For Inclusion

Discover in this movie, how Buddy supports the inclusion of young students with special educational needs in schools.