European Mapping of AI Startups: BLUE FROG ROBOTICS qualified

Blue Frog Robotics is proud to be included in the 2024 european mapping of French Artificial Intelligence startups. This map is produced each year by the Hub France IA and a committee of renowned experts such as Bpifrance Le Hub, Serena, Le Voice Lab, VINCI Construction, ESSEC Metalab and TNP Consultants. Thus, we are bringing Robotics AI into this 2024 mapping of AI startups.

This mapping lists the most innovative startups in the field of AI in France. And, we are proud to bring AI to Europe alongside French startups.

At Blue Frog Robotics, we are designing Buddy, The Emotional Robot, the true incarnation of artificial intelligence, to improve the lives of millions of people. Above all, this is one of the most important missions to us. Leveraging the AI power at the service of the inclusion of vulnerable people, with innovative but above all operational solutions.

We are therefore very honored to join this Circle of Excellence. It is alongside 327 other French startups that we promote French tech know-how that advances AI in Europe!

Obviously, a great proof of recognition for our work and solutions.

A unique and essential tool!

Above all, it provides a comprehensive overview of the most innovative AI startups to venture capitalists, policymakers and businesses looking to navigate in the booming AI sector.